Cell Culture
Contaminant Scavenge
Fungus Scavenger,CP-CS-0412
Click£º10528     Release date£º2018-1-9    Author£ºAdministrator    Source£ºOriginal

Fungus Scavenger,CP-CS-0412

Product Description

Fungal contamination is the most common type of contamination in cell culture processes, especially during the rainy season when fungal contamination is particularly severe. In addition, since fungi can reproduce through spores, once contaminated, it is easy to spread. Common fungal infections include Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma, Candida albicans, and yeast contamination. Fungal contaminated cell culture medium generally does not become turbid in the short term, and can form white or yellow floating objects (spot like, easy to observe) on the surface of the culture medium. Under a high-power inverted microscope, obvious filamentous, tubular, or branched hyphae can be seen criss crossing between cells. Candida and yeast contamination generally form circular clusters around cells, and yeast contamination can cause turbidity in the culture medium. Fungal contamination can compete with cells for nutrients and release secondary metabolites to poison cells, causing decreased cell vitality, slower growth rate, and even death.

Fungal scavengers are used to prevent fungal (including yeast) contamination during cell culture, and can also be used to eliminate fungal (including yeast) contamination in cell culture. Their efficacy far exceeds that of the fungal antibiotic amphotericin B. They have good therapeutic effects on fungal contamination during cell culture, such as Candida albicans, Aspergillus, and yeast.

Fungal clearance reagents have been tested on hundreds of cells and validated through long-term experiments. They can inhibit fungal growth in just 1-3 days and clear fungal contamination in about a week. It is basically harmless to cells and has the characteristics of efficient and specific killing, which maximizes the rescue of precious cells and reduces the losses caused by fungal contamination.

Usage method

Take out the fungal scavenger from the -20 ¡æ refrigerator, centrifuge the reagent tube instantaneously (3000rpm, 3-5 seconds), place it on the EP tube rack, spray the surface of the reagent tube with 75% alcohol, and perform aseptic operation in the biosafety cabinet.

Operating procedures for removing fungal contamination using T25 cell culture bottles as an example

Due to the difficulty in detecting fungal contamination in the early stages, if hyphae/bacterial cells/clusters appear under the microscope, it indicates that the contamination is already very serious. If the cells are fragile, such as embryonic stem cells (H1, H9, iPS), it is recommended to use a dilution factor of 2000 ¡Á, such as adding 3 ¦Ì L of fungal scavenger to 6mL of complete culture medium and mixing well. After continuous drug addition and cultivation for 1-2 weeks (or 3 passages), check for the presence of fungal contamination.

For conventional cells (cell lines, primary cells, stem cells), it is necessary to increase the drug concentration as appropriate to improve the efficiency of removing fungi. It is recommended to increase the concentration to 1000 x to remove fungi, such as adding 6 ¦Ì L of fungal scavenger to 6mL of complete culture medium and mixing well. Change the liquid twice a day. It is recommended to enter the laboratory in the morning to change the medium with one dose. In the afternoon, change the medium with one dose before leaving the laboratory. Repeat the process on the second day and the third day. Change the liquid once a day from the the fourth day. After continuous dosing and culture for 1-2 weeks (or passage for 3 times), check whether there is still fungal pollution.


1.Before changing the medium or passaging the adherent cells, mark the position of the bacterial cells/filaments attached to the bottom of the bottle on the culture bottle under a microscope, discard the old culture medium, wash off all bacterial cells/filaments with PBS, and then wash the cell surface twice with PBS.

2.If the cells reach the passable ratio, please passage them in a timely manner and place them in a new cell culture bottle. The process of replacing the bottle can also effectively avoid contamination by residual fungi or spores on the wall of the culture bottle;

3. After the fungus is removed, it must be passaged and placed in a new cell culture bottle. The new bottle should be maintained with medication for 1-2 days before the fungus remover can be removed to avoid secondary contamination caused by residual fungi or spores on the wall of the old bottle after removal;

4. Prevention of fungal contamination operating procedures: If cells need to be continuously cultured and the cultivation stage is during the rainy season or in a humid city, it is recommended to conduct regular prevention every 2-3 weeks. Add an appropriate amount of fungal scavenger to the cell culture medium, with a recommended dilution ratio of 3000 times. For example, mix 6mL of cell culture medium with 2 ¦Ì L of fungal scavenger. Continuous drug addition and cultivation for one week can effectively prevent fungal contamination or inhibit fungal proliferation.

Transportation and storage methods

Ice pack transportation- Store at 20 ¡æ away from light, with a shelf life of 2 years.

Product advantages

1. High efficiency, can effectively inhibit fungal proliferation within one day;

2. High specificity, specific clearance of fungal contamination;

3. No drug resistance, active ingredients are peptides, and no drug resistance will occur;

4. High utilization rate, unused components can be degraded into amino acids and utilized by cells;

5. High safety, almost non-toxic to cells, has been validated on hundreds of cell types.

Special Reminder

1. Please read the instructions carefully before using this reagent;

2. This product is sterilized by 0.1 ¦Ì m filtration, and does not require filtration when using it. It can be directly added to the culture medium for use;

3. This reagent has patented technology that does not freeze when stored at -20 ¡æ, and does not require thawing when used. It can be taken out from -20 ¡æ and used immediately;

4. In order to achieve the best therapeutic effect, it is recommended to prepare and use the drug containing culture medium immediately. If the drug containing culture medium is not used up, it should be stored in a refrigerator at 4 ¡æ in the dark and used up within 2 weeks. Before using the culture medium, it should be preheated to 37 ¡æ;

5. If individual cells are sensitive to this reagent and their growth rate is significantly affected, it is recommended to reduce the use or conduct dilution testing;

6. After treatment with fungal removers, there will be good prevention and removal effects. However, if there are still pollution sources in the environment, consumables, and reagents, cells may be contaminated again, so appropriate preventive measures need to be taken;

7. When adding this product for fungal prevention and clearance, there is no need to add dual antibodies (penicillin streptomycin);

For your safety and health, please wear lab coats and disposable gloves when operating;

9. This product is for research or further production use only and should not be used for diagnosis or treatment.

Order Information










€ 52.50






€ 234.00






€ 420.00






€ 42.00






€ 198.00






€ 358.80





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