Assay Kits
Molecular Biologies
Ultra Pure Genomic DNA Extraction Kit,IC-5200
Click£º6245     Release date£º2012-3-6    Author£ºAdministrator    Source£ºOriginal

Ultra Pure Genomic DNA Extraction Kit,IC-5200

Ultra Pure Genomic DNA Extraction Kit,IC-5200


1.Universal Genomic DNA Purification Mini Spin Kit provides a fast and convenient method for extracting total DNA including genomic DNA from a wide variety of biological samples, including animal tissues, mouse tails, cultured cells, bacteria, yeasts, animal blood, insects, and fixed tissues.

2.The sample is first digested with proteinase K, then added to the purification column together with a DNA binding buffer. Through high-speed centrifugation, the DNA is bound to the purification column at the moment of passing through the purification column, followed by two washes to remove various impurities, and finally the DNA is eluted by the elution buffer. The whole process does not require phenol-chloroform extraction or alcohol precipitation, and takes about 15 minutes only to complete.

3.Sample input amount for this kit varies depending on sample types. It can extract DNA from as few as hundreds of cells, tissues up to 25mg, 0.5-1cm mouse tail, 5 million cultured cells, 2 billion bacteria or 50 million yeast. Using too much samples that exceed the recommended amount will lead to a reduction of yield and purify in those samples. If the DNA content of the sample to be extracted is less than 5ng, it is recommended to add an appropriate amount of carrier DNA, such as poly-dT or other DNA that does not interfere with subsequent experiments, or use carrier RNA, such as yeast RNA, to improve the DNA extraction.

4.DNA extracted with the standard protocol usually contains a small amount of RNA. However, high-purity total DNA without RNA can be obtained if RNase A is added during the extraction process, as described in the optional step. DNA containing RNA can be used for PCR, but may impact on some subsequent reactions.

5.The binding capacity of the purification column for DNA is approximately 30¦Ìg. Generally, 15-25¦Ìg of DNA can be obtained from 2 million HeLa cells or 5 million lymphocytes, 10-30¦Ìg DNA from 25mg of liver, brain, or kidney tissues, 5-10¦Ìg DNA from 25mg of heart or lung tissues, 5-30¦Ìg DNA from 10mg of spleen tissue, and 10-25¦Ìg DNA from 1.2cm mouse tail tip or 0.3cm rat tail tip.

6.This kit allows for 50 DNA extractions.




Store the kit at room temperature for up to 1 year. Proteinase K should be stored at-20¡æ as its activity will decrease at room temperature (15-25¡æ).


1.Some reagents are required but not supplied in this kit when extracting DNA from bacteria and yeast. Please read the protocol carefully and make those reagents ready before start.

2.To obtain high-purity total DNA without RNA, RNase A is required but not supplied in this kit.

3.It is normal to have precipitates in Lysis buffer A or B at low temperatures. In this case, incubate the buffer in a 55¡æ water bath to redissolve the precipitates, and mix well prior to use.

4.Before first use, add 7ml of absolute ethanol into Wash Buffer I and 24ml of absolute ethanol in to Wash Buffer II, mix well and mark on the bottle.

5.A 55¡æ water bath will be required during the extraction. Please make it ready in advance.

6.Unless otherwise specified, each vortex should be controlled within 5-10 seconds.

7.All procedures in the protocol are carried out at room temperature. Centrifugations should also be performed at room temperature.

8.Collection tube is repeatedly used in a single RNA extraction and should not be discarded halfway.

9.Refer to the following instructions, Lysis Buffer A is not needed for DNA extraction from some samples.

10.This product is for R&D only. Not for drug, household, or other uses.

11.For your safety and health, please wear a lab coat and disposable gloves during the operation.

Order Information










€ 280.20






€ 392.28






€ 706.10




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